OSU AAAS Inaugural Summer Residency Program (July 2025)

The Ohio State University Department of African American and African Studies Presents its Inaugural Summer Residency Program July 15-21, 2025 

Theme: Intersections of Carceral Studies and Black Studies 


The Department of African American and African Studies at The Ohio State University is excited to announce its inaugural Summer Residency Program.  From July 15-21, 2025, the department will host a weeklong program for eight Ph.D. candidates whose intellectual agenda sits at the intersection of carceral studies and Black Studies. Students who will have advanced to doctoral candidacy by May 2025 are also invited to apply. Participants will spend their week at Ohio State’s main campus in Columbus, the AAAS Community Extension Center, and the surrounding metropolitan area. They will engage in a series of research workshops hosted by the department and its affiliates, advance a carceral studies project of their choice under the guidance of Ohio State faculty, and collaborate with Columbus’ network of justice-focused community organizations. Participants will receive up to $750 in travel funds, lodging at the Blackwell Inn on Ohio State’s campus, a $500 stipend, meals, and curated networking opportunities. 

The Ohio State University is home to multiple programs of relevance to emerging scholars in carceral studies and Black Studies, including the Community Extension Center in the historic King-Lincoln Bronzeville neighborhood and the Ohio Prison Education Exchange Project. 

Apply now through April 25, 2025. Interested candidates should submit a CV and a writing sample (limited to 10 pages) reflective of the sort of project they would like to advance during their time in the residency program. Submit materials directly to ASC-AAASSummerResidency@osu.edu. For inquiries, please contact Monica Stigler Johnson (stigler.12@osu.edu).