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Book Signing in Westerville in July for Volume 1 of AAAS Faculty Member Judson L. Jeffries's and Staff Member Molly Reinhoudt's Coedited Prince Book

AAAS faculty member Judson L. Jeffries and staff member Molly Reinhoudt will be joined by their coeditor Shannon M. Cochran for a book signing for volume 1 of their new book Feel My Big…

Dr. Judson L. Jeffries Headshot.

Recent Commentaries by AAAS Faculty Member Judson L. Jeffries in Columbus Dispatch

AAAS faculty member Judson L. Jeffries recently wrote two commentaries marking the passing of Tina Turner and Jim Brown for the Columbus Dispatch. 

Shutdown Flier

AAAS Faculty Member Simone Drake Premieres New Documentary on Linden-McKinley High School

AAAS faculty member Simone Drake recently completed a documentary on the events that led police to shut down Linden-McKinley High School in May 1971. The screening will take place on May 20, 2023…

Ohio State Oval in Winter

Second Cohort of Students in Blackness and the Politics of a Professional Career Announced

Congratulations to the students selected to be the second cohort of participants in the Blackness and the Politics of a Professional Career Program: Bryana Chambers, Jaiden Davis, …

Ryan Skinner

AAAS Faculty Member Ryan Skinner Named Author of the Month by Journal Africa Today

AAAS faculty member Ryan Skinner was named author of the month by the journal Africa Today for January 2023. Read more on their Facebook page:…

RAL cover

RAL and Spectrum Editorial Intern Publishes Blog Piece on RAL Special Issue on South African Literature

The two journals housed in AAAS (Research in African Literatures and Spectrum: A Journal on Black Men) were fortunate to host their inaugural editorial intern from OSU's Professional Writing Minor…

Aerial view of Ohio State Oval

Five Faculty Searches in AAAS

AAAS will be hiring for five faculty positions this year. Interested individuals are encouraged to read the full position descriptions and apply:

—Department Chair (Associate/Full…

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AAAS Faculty Member Ryan Skinner Publishes New Book

Ryan Skinner (Associate Professor, AAAS & Music) recently published his second scholarly monograph, Afro-Sweden: Becoming Black in a Color-Blind Country (Minnesota, 2022). The…

Ohio State Oval

Just Announced: AFAMAST 3450 Fulfills GEN Theme Citizenship for a Diverse & Just World

Looking for a course this fall to fulfill the GEN Theme Citizenship for a Diverse & Just World? Look no further than AFAMAST 3450: The Arts & Politics of Hip Hop. Taught by Dr.…